Sunday, July 15, 2012

Working on the Sabbath . . .

I'm at City Hall on a Sunday evening . . . working.  Why?  Because someone new is starting tomorrow and I'm in charge of having their technology ready.  There are plenty of reasons why I shouldn't be here doing this - I received the set-up form on Friday, I'm not supposed to be working on weekends, etc.  But the reality is, someone new to the City of Greenwood Village is starting a new position and possibly a new career tomorrow and I want to do my part to make it a welcoming and successful first day at work.  That's what I do :)


John F said...

Wait I don't get it, are you saying its okay to work on the Sabbath if someone is starting their career? When is your Sabbath? (Sunday is a tradition when all is said and done) where do u draw the line and say "no, sorry, I can't work that day". Love you bro!

Unknown said...

I don't condone working on the Sabbath, or any day one chooses to observe their Sabbath, but let's take a look at Jesus' ministry and also what we do today. Jesus healed on the Sabbath and condemned the Pharisees for their legalistic view of the law. We also have preachers preaching, volunteers serving, teachers teaching, worship leaders and bands leading worship, etc. in the church every Sunday "working" on their Sabbaths as well. My point is that Sabbath is indeed important, but so is showing the gospel in both tangible and intangible ways. One way I can honor God through my work is by doing a great job and serving those in need, especially those just beginning. Food for thought!